Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hi. Nice to meet you Rolags ~

Whirlwend Rolags by whirlwendy
Whirlwend Rolags, a photo by whirlwendy on Flickr.
Popping-in to give you a tiny peek at what Whirlwend has been up to lately ... expanding my obsession with color by dying and carding fiber for spinning and felting.

The little sweeties I made above are called Rolags. Here is a little video by the  über-talented Michelle Snowdon over at Wooldancer that shows you how to make them + how they can be spun on a wheel to make yarn...

Tip for other Fiberistas making rolags this way :: I'm finding it's a bit easier to roll the fiber off the drum carder when sandwiched between two dowel rods so it doesn't slip.

Check out some of my batts (and rolags very soon) here.

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